Friday, January 28, 2022

February 11th Club Meeting

 Our club meeting for the entire club will be Feb 11th 6:30pm at the AJ Multi Gen center. 

At our last horse project meeting we had a few members present a horse demonstration on a topic they selected about horses. We have a few that will need to present at our Feb 11th meeting so I have decided to open it up to the remaining club members. So those that are in lamb, swine, holstein calf or if you maybe have an interest in a future project please plan a demonstration speech to share at the February meeting. 

(Remember this is a great thing to list in your record book) Especially when it comes time to apply for

 4-H scholarships. The more active you are within your club the better chance you have to be successful obtaining scholarships.

Below is a list to some great topics for a demonstration speech.

Here is the agenda if you won't make the meeting :  CLICK HERE

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Community Club snack sign up


We have a few open spots. 

Please sign up to host a snack at one of our club meetings. When using the web version to view the blog you will see the link above the calendar to sign up.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

2022 Fair Tickets!!!

 Hello 4-H Families, 

It's that time of year when it's time to reserve your camping spaces, parking passes, and carnival tickets for the 2022 PINAL COUNTY FAIR.

I am attaching in the link below the two forms that I must have filled out and returned with funds at our February 11th club meeting.


Please remember if your youth is showing a market animal at the fair they will be issued a exhibitor pass during the beginning of fair and the $8 fee will be deducted from the livestock sale check. 

If you are a certified leader and plan to be at fair please communicate to me that and I will get a free five day pass for you. 

A daily pass is required to enter the fair grounds during fair from everyone. 

Here are the prices for discounted fair tickets in advance:

Youth 5 day entrance - $12 (market exhibitors will be provided this, only for additional siblings not showing attending fair)

Adult 5 day entrance - $22

Additional Parking Pass - $10 for those wishing to be able to drive their vehicle to their camper or wishing to park closer to the barn.

Carnival All day ride pass - $30

Camping - $100 (includes 1 adult pass, 1 parking pass)

If you have questions please let me know. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Ranch Sorting Invitation

 Maricopa County 4-H has invite our horse members to participate in their county ranch sorting. 

Here are the details:  February 6th at Rockin A Arena in QC Check in 8am 

To make things a little bit easier. Parents please email me at the teams that you've formed and how many total teams you would like to have and I'll match up the "draws".  Cost is $22 plus $15 per rider (each team get two goes).

Previously 4-H was limited to five teams per rider but the kids were always wanting to have more teams and more runs so it is now open.
From 4H Registration page:  Please type the RIDER, HORSE & CLUB name and list ALL TEAM NAMES OR DRAWS in "ADD AN ORDER NOTE" located in the checkout summary section. Riders will still need to check in on show day.

Base fee includes arena fee ($10), County Finals fee ($8), ribbon fee ($2) and convenience fee ($2).

Poll for future horse project meeting dates

 Hello Parents, 

Here is a poll to please take so that we can best choose future horse project meeting dates. I heard from several of you that Wednesday and the time we met didn't work for several of you. 

Please answer the poll by January 31st so that I can plan February- April. 

Thank you. 


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Registration- Horse Show - Deadline is Feb 1st

Registration is open for the February 5th show @ AJ Rodeo grounds.

You will need to click on each discipline you will be in and add items to the cart. You also need to select the arena fee area and choose that for each member. 

On site /late registration is an additional $25.

Please remember that horse ID cards for those who attended our first horse meeting were sent in for you. If you didn’t attend that meeting you need to send in your child’s horse ID card and adult code of conducts located on the form we took of the county horse blog. You will send those forms to 

If you have any other questions please let me know. 


Monday, January 17, 2022

County Fair - exhibitors

 Here is a link to the 2022 livestock fair schedule. (this i not the 4-H one yet) just PCJLC

Please also feel free to check for updates on the Pinal County Junior Livestock website.

This is also the time that you should be working on your buyer letters for fair. We have all returning exhibitors this year and no new ones so you all should be familiar with the buyer letters. I--f you need help feel free to reach out to me. If you need ideas of who to send buyer letters to just text me. 480-612-5347

If we have new club members this year that are thinking you want to have a livestock project next year please talk to me at the Feb club meeting so we can bring you up to speed now.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

February 11th club meeting - snack sign up needed

Please sign up if you can bring a snack to our February 11th club meeting. 

This meeting we will discuss some fair items, and Lost Dutchman Rodeo weekend and what that looks like.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Lost Dutchman Rodeo - Ticket Sales Sign up

 Hello 4-H families, 

I cannot stress enough about how much we need help from the ENTIRE club to pull this event off. It's an entire weekend of busy ticket sales. We still have many open slots of times we need each family to participate in. If we do not fill the slots that leaves us short handed on each day, TICKET SALES are BUSY!! I don't want to have to think that we can't commit each year to this event. I am here the entire weekend working it for the kids of our club. I need your help.

Keep in mind this event is what gives back to our club so that we have funds for T-shirts, project equipment. 

I need everyone to please look at the their calendars and sign up where you can help.  Sign up here.

Here is who signed up for Friday

Saturday sign ups

Sunday Sign ups

Friday, January 14, 2022

January 26th - horse project meeting

Agenda for horse meeting on January 26th - 5:30pm @ AJ Rodeo Grounds

 We will have a guest speaker from Arizona mobile vet. After he speaks (about 30-60 minutes) we will then have horse demonstrations. 

Demonstrations or illustrated talks may be on any horse-related subject.

                               8-10 years of age - 4 minute presentation
                              11-13 years of age - 8 minute presentation
                              14-18 years of age - 12 minute presentation

Notes and visuals may be used. Visuals should be neat, legible, and large enough to read easily. Contestants should note their major references.

:Presentation Ideas:
How to Recognize a Sick Horse
 What to Know Before Calling Your Veterinarian
 How to Bandage a Horse
 Emergency First Aid
Founder — Cause and Treatment 
Colic — How to Recognize, Treat and Prevent
Poisonous Plants
Stall Requirements, Shelter, Bedding

Anatomy of the Front Leg
Anatomy of the Foot
 Anatomy Function of the Eye
Tips for Showmanship 
Grooming a Horse Correctly

These are just some ideas. There are many more topics.