Monday, October 10, 2016

Breakaway and Team Ropers!

Calling all Breakaway and Team Ropers!

Maricopa County Horse Advisory Committee would like to invite you their first Roping show on Sunday, October 30 at Horse Lovers Park in Phoenix.
Registration for the Roping Show will require pre-registration from all counties outside Maricopa County by Monday, October 24. NO REFUNDS.
Please visit this link for registration information:
Roping-Gymkhana Horse Show
We would require the following from each county who wish to participate:
·Registration and payment for non-Maricopa County 4-H members must be received by Myrna Flores no later than Monday, October 24.
·If registered non-Maricopa County 4-H members cancel within 5 days prior to the day of the show or they do not show up, they must forfeit all fees submitted. NO REFUNDS.
·All riding 4-H members would compete in appropriate levels as outlined in the Maricopa County 4-H Horse Program Rule Book - Beginner, Intermediate, Junior Advanced, Senior Advanced.
·Participating counties will be responsible for testing for proficiency levels prior to the participants riding.
·All rules will be followed under the Maricopa County 4-H Horse Program Rule Book.
·County placings would be emailed to county agents within 48 hours of the end of the show.
·For the first year in this effort,Overall High Point and Reserve High Point will not be awarded in the open shows. Maricopa County will award a High Point and Reserve High Point within their own member placings at each show.
·In order to make these contests a success, we need your help. All the contests are organized and executed by volunteers. If your county will be participating in any of these contests, we will require at least 1 volunteer for each 4 members that you will be registering from your county. Volunteers and/or Coordinators do not need to be leaders, nor do they need to have any experience. A list of show roles and responsibilities will be provided to counties prior to the start of the 4-H year and show management will show/coach other county volunteers what is to be done and give them all the information they will need. FOR ROPING SHOW ONLY
·When registrations arrive, if your county does not have enough volunteers, your county agent or 4-H staff member will be contacted. It will be the counties’ responsibility to fill those volunteer roles. If your county does not have enough volunteers, unfortunately, your county members will not be able to participate. This is a team effort and it does take quite a few volunteers to make this works smoothly and efficiently and we do not want the entire burden to fall on Maricopa county volunteers.
If you have any further questions, you can call Myrna Flores at 602-540-6715 or email at
Thank you.